Below are several articles which may be of interest for our LEAF families. These articles deal with proposed changes to or current actions in the Justice System. If you can relate or are in agreement with one or more of these editorial/opinion pieces I encourage you to get involved in the process. This is major political election year. Elected officials are checking the wind direction and are more attentive to their constituents views! It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat; for or against an idea. What’s important is that they hear from you! Pray and then speak (or write!) what’s on your heart. Please note: the article below are presented for information only and may or may not reflect in part or in full, the opinion of the LEAF Ministry or its many volunteers.
(If the links don’t work, you can copy the URL into your browser.)
Toledo Blade Editorial on capping sentences:
A opinion piece on the school-to-prison pipeline and how Ohio’s zero-tolerance policy may play a part.
Dayton Daily News Report on increasing the penalty for a murder conviction.
Columbus Dispatch article on how the closing of Ohio’s prison farms stresses Ohio’s food banks, making less available for the poor.
Ohio senate approves funding for a 250 bed inmate treatment site.
Ohio Supreme Court considers debate over inmate’s case file. Interesting article on how evidence may be handled during the appeals process.
Department of Justice launches National Reentry Week.
Judge overturns inmate’s conviction. Ignoring the legalities of the Judge’s actions, the releasing an inmate on death’s door to the family is an act of charity.