Reentry Awareness Week is back! The Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry and our community partners are excited to celebrate with you by bringing you seven (yes, seven!) events between Monday, April 22nd and Saturday, April 27th.
Category: Advocacy
Advocacy as it relates to prison life is doing for others what they can’t do for themselves. Prison advocacy or the action of advocating is getting the same help, benefits, kindness, care or attention for someone else that you would want for yourself.
Day of Reflection for Families and Friends of the Incarcerated
Day of Reflection Once again this year, we will be having a Day of Reflection for all those who have a loved one incarcerated. As many of you who have attended this day, it is an extraordinary way to provide a beautiful, positive, prayerful time for our families who have someone in prison—or who […]
Limiting Human Contact is Counterproductive
Limiting human contact for prisoners is counterproductive and un-Christian By: Joe Van Brussell (see attribution below) There is a disturbing trend in the United States toward limiting contact between incarcerated individuals and the outside world. For example, last month the state of New York began a pilot program that banned the direct shipment of food, […]
Complaining to God is OK
At times having an incarcerated loved one brings us to our knees in prayer…and sometimes it’s more like complaining to God than it is the prayer of angels and saints. That’s ok. Our Father wants to hear it. The article below is reprinted from the Catholic News Service on Complaining to God. As we enter […]
Bail Reform
Bail Reform Judge Russo speaks out again! Good article, worth the read. Of special note is a link at the very bottom of the article on D.C. bail system.
Smarter Sentencing Reform
Sentencing Reform There’s a growing movement across the country for sentencing and prison reform. Many are realizing our current system does not meet the needs of societies current problems. We can no longer afford, both financially or socially, to maintain the attitude of “lock’em up and throw away the key”. Here are two recent […]
Justice Department: More family-friendly prisons
The following article appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. A companion article appears on with a single poll question looking for your opinion. I encourage all LEAF families to read the article and participate in the poll. It appears anonymous since no log-in is required. Please participate. The online article can be found […]
National Reentry Week
Reprinted from the US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs announcing National Reentry Week. Washington, D.C. 20531 March 17, 2016 Dear Colleague: Over the last seven years, the Department of Justice has partnered with state, local, and tribal agencies and national organizations to support hundreds of reentry programs across […]
Judge Donnelly to Speak Again with LEAF
Judge Donnelly to Speak Again with LEAF Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 23! For those who missed Judge Donnelly speak at the Holy Angels’ LEAF meeting in January, you have a second chance! The good judge accepted the invitation of the Mary Queen of Peace LEAF group in old Brooklyn to meet and […]
Judge Speaks to LEAF Group
Judge Michael Donnelly Speaks with LEAF Group Mark your calendar! On Thursday, January 21 Judge Michael Donnelly will be speaking at the Holy Angels’ LEAF meeting. This will be a very interesting gathering and the Holy Angels’ group has graciously extended an invitation to all LEAF families to hear Judge Donnelly speak. Judge Donnelly […]