Edwin’s 5K Run for Reentry

EDWINS Run for Reentry 5k


The Edwin’s  Run for Re-Entry 5K and 1-Mile Walk

Mark your calendar – October 23, 2016


So, you’re not a runner!   That’s no excuse.   Join the 1-Mile Walk.   So your not even a walker!   No problem, join the celebration of live music, food and drinks from EDWINS on Shaker Square.  EDWINS exists to help train those with a felony conviction for jobs in the restaurant business.

If you can’t run, walk or have other obligations for October 23, 2016  that’s ok. We do ask that you help spread the word about Run for Re-Entry.   Copy the link below and send it to your friends!



Hope to see you there!

Registration Form

Updated: September 17, 2016 — 9:16 pm