Hope and Freedom Through Art

An Innovative Art Show to Open
Prison Art Expresses Hope and Freedom


An Art Show giving expression to the creative spirit and the desire for expression which is at the heart of each person, Hope and Freedom Through Art, will display the work being done by the men and women incarcerated in the correctional facilities located in northeast Ohio. Using imaginative, unlikely, recycled materials, as well as the more traditional, these gifted artists create pieces of incredible beauty.

Sponsored by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, the six prisons of the Northeast Region, St. John Episcopal Church, the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Ministry to the Incarcerated, and Great Lakes Brewing Company, this exhibit will showcase the painting, sculpture, crafts and poetry of very creative artists who embrace art as an expression of their hopes and dreams for the future!

Displayed within the walls of the Historic St. John Church and Hall, known in the community as “Station Hope,” a former stop on the Underground Railroad, this Art Gallery is an expression of the community’s long-standing commitment to freedom and hope.

HOPE AND FREEDOM THROUGH ART will be opened two evenings and free to the public!  Mark your calendar!



Friday, November 13, 2015 from 7:30-9:00 pm,
( Following the Y-Haven presentation of Walk a Mile which begins at 6:00 pm.)

Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 7:00-9:00 pm


St. John Episcopal Church, Ohio City
2600 Church Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44109

For additional information call Timothy Holcomb at 216 470 3677 or Sister Rita Mary Harwood, SND at

216 696 6525 x 3500

Updated: November 3, 2015 — 11:14 pm