General Info

Reaching HandsLocal Government

Cuyahoga County Corrections –  Official county site for corrections and inmate information.

Geauga County – Site operated by Sheriff’s office.

Lake County –  Site operated by the county.  Info under the Sheriff’s department.

Lorain County –  Site operated by the Sheriff’s department.  Info under the “corrections” tab.

Medina County – Site operated by the Sheriff’s department.


Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections – Main site for official Ohio prison and inmate information.  From this site you can reach specific information about any Ohio prison.

Correctional Institution Inspection Committee –  inspects and publish reports on the status of all State Prisons providing report card metrics.  Reviews all Ohio Prisons on a random and unannounced basis.   A list of past reports by prison can be found under the tab Publications/Inspection Reports


National Commission on Correctional Health Care –  more geared towards healthcare professionals


Angel Tree – Provide Christmas gifts and the gospel message to children on behalf of their incarcerated parent in partnership with local chapters

Family Life Behind Bars –  various ideas and articles about maintaining a family through the bars.  Not all information is applicable to Ohio so read carefully.

Rutgers University –  National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated.   Contains a boatload of helpful information, particularly in the “library”.  Geared more towards organizations and professionals but well worth your time.

2018 Guide: The Link Between Childhood Trauma And Addiction In Adulthood – this guide helps explain the roots of many young adult addiction problems which can lead to incarceration of just life-long suffering.

Image by anankkml at

Updated: March 18, 2019 — 2:12 pm