Keeping Hope
Keeping Hope is one of the most popular books used by the LEAF Ministry. We recommend it to families of the incarcerated or anyone working with the people caught in the Justice System. Keeping Hope is as practical as it is easy to read.
True to real needs
Keeping Hope content is true to real needs, as it is based on the actual responses the authors received when they interviewed the families and friends of the incarcerated, prison ministers and also from the inmates who are living or have lived the experience.
Practical and interactive
It is both practical and interactive. Each chapter invites the reader to identify ways in which he or she identifies with others’ stories, stresses, strengths and fears. For people working with families and friends of the incarcerated, this book provides invaluable insight into their hearts and minds, through their own words. You’ll find a new perspective on “the system” than you had before, and be able to help heal the wounds of those left outside.
Where to find it!
Keeping Hope is available from the publisher: Visual Dynamics Publishing