Supporting the Second Chance Act

Supporting the Second Chance Act

Supporting the Second Chance Act is something every LEAF Family needs to consider. We generally try to steer clear of politics, but sometimes I bend the rules and this is one of those cases. The Second Chance Act was enacted in 2008 and provided funds to organizations assisting with the reintegration of those who have served their time.

If you aren’t familiar with the original act,  Families Against Mandatory Minimums published a great overview in 2012 of the original Act.  It can be found here.   The Act is expiring so Republican Ohio Senator Rob Portman and Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny K. Davis stepped up to the plate and sponsored legislation to renew the act.   They authored a great article succinctly outlining what their bill will do and why the Act should be renewed.  It’s a good read.

Catholic Charities recently stepped in to support the bill and urged its subscribers to write their legislators expressing their support.   They developed an easy to use webpage for contacting your Congressional Senator. All you need to know is your zip code and it will do the rest.  Not only will it put words in your mouth, but it will automatically send the email (once you click send)!

Some of you are saying,  I’m not Catholic and shouldn’t use the Catholic Charities site.  Well I’m saying –  so what, they won’t care.  The pre-written letter is not my writing style and probably not yours either,  so feel free to delete or edit it and insert your own words.  You can also write down all the contact information and send your own letter.   What’s most important is that you share your opinion!


Image courtesy of Stuart